Membership Benefits
By purchasing a membership, you may participate in our many activities at a substantial savings and have access to facilities.  We do not currently sell Memberships online, but will in the near future.  Please visit the Dimmitt Community Center to purchase your membership.

Memberships are issued on an annual basis from September 1st to August 31st. Prorated rates available throughout the year. A key will be issued allowing access to the courts. Court hours are Sunday through Saturday from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm. 

Membership Type Resident Non Resident
Individual Six Months $20 $85
Individual Year $30 $120
Family Six Months $60 $185
Family Year $95 $315
Funky Friday Year  N / A $50
Tennis Membership (One Year) $50 $100



6 Month Rec Card
Annual Rec Card
Tennis Membership (Oct. 1 - Sept. 30)